Rare Halloween Mask Crypt
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Unpronounceable Alien - Monster of the Month - October 2015


Creature created by Jordu Schell

A fantastic looking Grey alien designed by Jordu Schell and released by Distortions Unlimited for the month of October 2015. This was the first mask in the second year (Series 2) of the program.

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Brainiac the Maniac - Monster of the Month - June 2015

Tarragon the Rocketeer - Monster of the Month - July 2015 Distortions Unlimited - Tarragon the Rocketeer - Monster of the Month - July 2015 - Lord Grimley's Manor

Tarragon the Rocketeer - Monster of the Month - July 2015

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Thanatoid - Trick or Treat Studios Mask

The Electric Chair - Monster of the Month - September 2015 Distortions_ElectricChair_03.jpg

The Electric Chair - Monster of the Month - September 2015
