Titanus Quintu - Monster of the Month - May 2015
Creature and Story by Mark Muniz - Released May 2015
One of five children captured in the Denisovan mountains. and now the prized possession of the Roman Empire. From the time of his capture he was thrust into the pits of the Roman Coliseum and is now the soul survivor of an extinct race of giant people. Death and battle have been the only constant companions he's ever known. Neither man nor beast has ever bested him, and the mention of his name has become a guarantee of death for his opponents. His activities beyond the arena are a mystery for he is ushered away like a prize bull at the end of every battle. Titanus is adored by his blood thirsty fans and has acquired the nickname Angelus Mortis (the Angel of Death). From the lusts of mankind. the monster and Legend of Titanus Quintu has been born.
Mark is a sculptor/illustrator/designer that resides in Greeley. Colorado, with his amazing wife and two precocious kids. He's been creating art since he was a kid growing up in Wyoming. Mark decided to pursue a career in art and acquired degrees in commercial art and fine art. He's designed for various companies including professional athletes, apparel companies, statuary producers. RC product distributors, and a variety of other industries. Mark has always had a love for horror and sci-fi and an appreciation for western genres of entertainment. Keep an eye out for a fusion of these passions from him, and keep your pencil sharp.
Subscribers to The Monster of the Month were privy to a unique creation shipped to them each month. These were a monthly, main line injection of Monsters! Aliens...Vampires...Zombies... Mutants...Dragons...Corpses...Body parts...and of course Monsters! All are created from start to finish at Distortions Unlimited, designed and sculpted by some of the best monster makers out there. Ed Edmunds, Jordu Schell, Mikey Rotella, and a host of guest sculptors. The monster arrived with its own life story, written by it's creator. Each monster is an instant collectible! Only subscribers received each months creation, and then the molds were DESTROYED!