Ghoulish Productions - Mr Pumpkin Pit Boss - Halloween Latex Jack O Lantern Mask - Lord Grimley's Manor
Halloween Masks 2024

Mr. Pumpkin Pit Boss


One of the more colorful pit bosses working the Underworld shif,t at the Frightening Casino and Spa, “The Old Man” as he is called, is known to be a brutal customer service agent. Sending less than profitable customers to swim with the undead fishes ,with boots of lead. Apparently, he is very successful, because they never come back from the drink.

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Ghoulish Productions - Mr Pumpkin Pit Boss - Halloween Latex Jack O Lantern Mask - Lord Grimley's Manor
Ghoulish Productions - Mr Pumpkin Pit Boss - Halloween Latex Jack O Lantern Mask - Lord Grimley's Manor
Ghoulish Productions - Mr Pumpkin Pit Boss - Halloween Latex Jack O Lantern Mask - Lord Grimley's Manor
Ghoulish Productions - Mr Pumpkin Pit Boss - Halloween Latex Jack O Lantern Mask - Lord Grimley's Manor
Ghoulish Productions - Mr Pumpkin Pit Boss - Halloween Latex Jack O Lantern Mask - Lord Grimley's Manor
Pumpkin Pig - Half Mask Ghoulish Productions - Pumpkin Pig - Halloween Half Mask - Lord Grimley's Manor

Pumpkin Pig - Half Mask

Goosebumps - Haunted Mask Trick-Goosebumps-Haunted-Lord-Grimley-001.jpg

Goosebumps - Haunted Mask

Goosebumps - Haunted II Mask

Goosebumps - Haunted II Mask

Demented Jack - AKA Dead Dave Mask Lord-Grimley-Minions-Demented-Dan-001.jpg

Demented Jack - AKA Dead Dave Mask

Scarecrow Pumpkin Gloves Lord-Grimley-Minions-Pumpkin-Scarecrow-Gloves-002.jpg

Scarecrow Pumpkin Gloves
